
Sunday, July 26, 2020

6 months Temperature Blanket


Well, you can plan ahead for some projects, but some you can not, and so have to be adaptable.
I started 2020 with a temperature blanket.  I posted about this on February 2. 

I was using Bernat Handicrafter cotton solid yarn in these colours in degrees Celsius:
-30 to -26 Robin's Egg  0
-25 to -21 Mod Blue  0
-20 to -16 Hot Blue  0
-15 to -11 Blueberry  1
-10 to -6 French Blue  3
-5 to -1 Blue Jeans  6
0 to 4 Teal  10
5 to 9 Sage Green  6
10 to 14 Emerald  2
15 to 19 Chamomile  3
20 to 24 Coral Rose  2
25 to 29 Tangerine  2
30 to 35 Country Red  1

By mid June, I could no longer find most of these solid colours available, so I stopped and now have a 6 month temperature blanket.  It's quite nice, but I would have liked to complete the year.  Oh well!
The number of balls used is written next to each colour.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020



I used to be a professional photographer.
I took wedding photos, portraits and had a portfolio.

This was at the end of negative based photography and the beginning of Digital.  People were becoming more photo savvy and not willing to pay for a real professional.  I then worked in a 1-hour lab.  That's where I met my man of 25 years....

I sold off my professional equipment years ago, and now only have my phone and digital camera.  I've just packed up the last of my negatives and slides and sent them off to be digitally scanned so I can have them forever on my computer system. What a task!  Pick only your best stuff because it's about $1 an image!  

But I still dabble in photography.

At the beginning of this pandemic, I made an impulse purchase of a Lensball.  I finally got it 3 and half months in.  You might have seen ads about this item.  Yesterday I got this overwhelming urge to go on a photo safari.  Packed up the basics, my dog and headed to the beach on Lake Superior.  

So I played.  Man it's nice to just take pictures and delete what doesn't work.  I took ALOT of pictures on film that had to be developed and printed.  This wasted ALOT of negatives.  So easy now!  Shoot & delete if you do not like!

There are days, I miss this, and so off I go to play....


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Keeping Creative


I do not like the new Blogger.  I cannot find things easily and it publishes posts I was working on and not completed yet.....

That said, here is some more of what I've been doing to keep myself busy.
On my deck I continued the idea of a fairy garden.  This is what it looked like in May, when planted.

And now a couple months later it looks like this!


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Happy Canada Day!!!

Hello 'Eh!
We really do say this more often than we realize. LOL!

I had a friend recently ask me to make her a pile of Canada cards.
I really enjoyed getting into it and making them fun.

My original card was this (along with a summer one)   It was made in 1995.

The batch she got was very similar, but not exact due to no longer having some of the stamps from then.

Now for my house decorations!
Due to no public gatherings, we were encouraged to decorate our homes and send in pictures.  
Here are mine!


St. Patrick's Day and International Quilting Day!

 Woohoo! Time for some green Quilts! LOL! Not often that these two days land on the same weekend. I finally finished one of my UFOs (unfinis...