I seem to finish my cards just before an event and therefore do not leave myself enough time to post them before hand! Oh well! Hope you like these anyway.
I am selling my cards at a local store that was started up for local artisans in May. So each celebration that passes, I try to make new cards to sell. Mother's day and Father's day passed in a blur, then came Canada Day.
I decided to use some left over scraps from my Canada quilt that is almost done :) I hate wasting such beautiful fabric, so they went into these cards. There were more, but I had to bring them in fast and forgot to photograph them...
On Canada Day the store had a $1.50 table in honour of Canada's 150th birthday this year. As I did not want to sell my cards for that low a price, I made up these bookmarks. They're selling great!

Thanks for checking in!
Cindy :)